Memorial School 7th and 8th graders in the STRIVE program on Feb. 8 enjoyed pizza and a salad bar which utilized the first cut growths off their Tower Garden, a vertical, aeroponic growing system which enables the growing of up to 20 items in less than three square feet, indoors or out, at a time.
Under the direction of Miss Ament, STRIVE teacher, the students planted seeds to grow bibb lettuce sprouts, rainbow chard, marketmore cucumbers, and bok choy. The lettuces harvested Friday allowed the students to sample the fresh produce that will be utilized in the school cafeteria as it continues to grow and produce.
The Tower Garden, which was donated to the school by food service provider Pomptonian, uses aeroponic technology, which is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment, without the use of soil. It is an effective and efficient way to provide plants with the necessary nutrients, hydration and oxygen.