On May 21, H.R. 2508, The Healthy School MealsFlexibility Act was introduced in the House of Representatives! Co-sponsored by Congressmen Rodney Davis (R, IL-13) and Brad Ashford (D, NE-2), this bi-partisan legislation is a companion bill to S. 1146, also calledTheHealthy School Meals Flexibility Act, and would also provide permanent flexibility to aid schools in complying with the USDA’s sodium and whole grain requirements under the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. The legislation does not change any other current requirements including calories, fruits or vegetables, and trans-fat.
“School Nutrition Association members strongly support the Healthy School Meals Flexibility Act,” said SNA CEO Patricia Montague, CAE. “Although new nutrition standards for school meals have brought many positive changes, some of the new rules have caused unintended negative consequences. Too many students are passing up nutritious school lunches in favor of unhealthy alternatives. Schools miss out on the opportunity to teach students about healthy choices in the cafeteria, while losing critical revenue to invest in appealing school menus. The Healthy School Meals Flexibility Act will help schools maintain strong meal programs and better serve students.”
With bills in both Chambers of the U.S. Congress, we need your help now more than ever to keep the momentum moving forward! Use your SNA Take Action account to contact your legislators and urge them to support H.R. 2508 or S.1146! To read the House bill, please click here and for more information on the Senate bill, please click here.